Saturday, July 09, 2005

I have no idea why I find this picture so very funny but I just do. Ross pointed it out on a web site advertising a Bach festival near out home. As a musician I must say that we are not all this weird. I mean, not only did they take this picture they thought that it was good enough to put on their website. Enough from me. Please tell me your impressions. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Fireworks at the Atlanta Braves game over the fourth of July Posted by Picasa

Fireworks Posted by Picasa

Fireworks Posted by Picasa

Fireworks Posted by Picasa

Fireworks Posted by Picasa

Check out this billboard I found in Atlanta Posted by Picasa

Starry Night done in Beads Posted by Picasa

Fireworks Posted by Picasa

Fireworks at the Atlanta Braves game on the 4th of July Posted by Picasa

The Flight Attendants take Canterbury Posted by Picasa

Gina being bad Posted by Picasa

They were o busy making out that they didn't notice Gina Posted by Picasa

Flight attendants behaving oddly Posted by Picasa

Shannon and Gina Posted by Picasa

St abbotts (something or other hotel) in Canterbury. My room looked like Laura Ashley threw up in it. What fun. Posted by Picasa

Gin and Limes the perfect beginning to the perfect evening Posted by Picasa

Adult Careers Guidance, who knew? Posted by Picasa

St Augs Posted by Picasa

St Aug's Posted by Picasa

Flowers growing in the ruins of St Aug's in Canterbury Posted by Picasa

Shannon at Canterbury England Posted by Picasa

Canterbury England Posted by Picasa